Day 2 - Play

Day 2    -    Play

Consideration about the different ideas and projects, when also considering the amount and time and recources (3 days, currently 4 people w 1 person ill).

Several ideas seem programmable. The question raised by the designer (me) is which game which the most fun for the user. Votes seem to indicate either an underwater submarine game (explore a , or a cause-and-effect game (option A on one screen affects effect B on a second screen/view). Both would have climate inequality as their central subject.

Also today we have to settle for a name for the game and project.

Technical discussion about camera views - make invisible object to follow the player. And graphics - what style to use? What would affect the player in an interesting way?

Listing different ideas. Post-It boarding / brainstorm:

Dystopian survival: player centric story game. Survive in a post apo version of Århus. Perhaps with a bit of Fallout humour. Uboat: story based exploration game. flooded Århus. Cause and effect: already described.

After advice from Em: Listing different value ideas, how to use them for a game.

Freedom: meaningful choice vs. no choice/illusion of choice

Democracy: tied to uboat game - ships crew vs captain. votes vs authority

            OR! "Rig the Election" game - stay in power in a fictional country by rigging a political election.

Human Dignity: again tied to uboat game: treatment of crew. Treatment of fx NPC's?

            Or cause and effect => how does choice affect peoples dignity and wellbeing?

After some debate, focus is on the submarine game, but with a change of focus: the submarine game would become less about what goes on outside the shell of the sub, and more about the life and values inside. Aka human dignity in a stressed situation, an inequality/unfairness.

The cultural heritage is based on the two works, first by Pipilota (Morning in the Neighbours House) for a cycle + exhibit Colony Howl, which will provide aesthetics and inspire world building for the game.

Themes based on Colony Howl: Megacorps, undermining human dignity, strange food. If the game ends, a message reads "They were disposable." The player can then press "Send new crew", which is also the first screen. Name of the Game: "Send More Crew"

To Do for Tomorrow:

    Christian: Audio Design + first fleshed out draft for storyboarding (upload to project)

    Kalle: programming basics

    Jonas: concept art (direction), environ layout, textures

    Mille: storyboard help, art advice

    Everyone: practice a rough pitch, approx 3 minutes

New GitLab link:

Get Send Another Crew

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