Day 3 - Imagination

Day 3:

Wrote first draft for story board and recording files late yesterday. The first purely functional prototype is almost ready.

Our takeaways from the Expert Council was that the idea and values seemed good - incorporation of the democracy and rule of law values in the story was solid. The aesthetics/feel from the Colony Howl installation and the cyclical nature of Dawn Hours in the Neighbours House will provide the foundations for the games tangible heritage.

We are now in the process of finishing the final draft for concept art, and story is also being tweaked. The characters will be shown in as simple a way as possible, also to enhance feelings of anonymity/loss of individuality. With a little luck we will have a functional prototype up and running later today. It's still early stages, but we'll try to conduct a playtest asap, so that we can get some feedback to work with for the final build day tomorrow.

First playtest: generally positive response to both story and UI.

Second playtest also had general positive feedback, though also more critique for the story and the point of the game.

We've agreed for today to work on the sound, make some character representations and tweak the story.

There is also the case of sound effects, which will be recorded and mixed later.

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